Sunday, October 24, 2004

web-exclusive release: "occupation"

Today i uploaded a little song that, although non-central to the material i'm working on, needed to be released this week or never.

"Occupation" is available on, but go to to download if you want to move it up the charts.

These days, our administration often chops up the world into good and evil. The label of "evil" covers not only those who do us harm, but those that live anywhere we stand to profit from invading. We make no distinctions between the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11, and anyone with their skin color. The CIA and the 9/11 commission have refuted with certainty all links between Iraq and 9/11. They have refuted any claims that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, or that they had any programs to acquire them. Yet many Americans, and most republicans, believe otherwise. We just can't seem to tell them apart.

And yet we expect the Iraqi people, and the rest of the middle east, to tell us apart from our leadership. We expect them to watch tens of thousands of civilians die at the hands of foreigners whom they did not attack, and welcome us as liberators.

This is not a "war", my friends. To call it so would be like saying child abuse is a "fight". We are fighting the people of a nation. People that are watching bodies burning in the streets. People that see children's bodies so mutilated you can't recognize that you're looking at.

45,000 people and counting held prisoner and less than 1,000 charged with any crimes. We expect them to endure all this, and think of us as liberators?

The truth is, we look a whole lot more like the "evil" ones every day. And it's not just some "partisan rhetoric". Its the whole world, except for the people in this country who are responsible, and the people they have fooled.

The answer to terrorism is not to terrorize 10 times stronger. It's to stop it at it's source. Please vote to remove the biggest war criminals in the world. Stay informed.

Monday, October 04, 2004

not enough time

why can't days be 144 hours long... i am doing a blues gig this friday since lingus is on break and none of my projects are bookable right now. it always strikes me as ironic that i work so hard to make original music, but that ends up being hard for other people to learn & expensive technically to put on, so i end up jamming unrehearsed blues favorites instead.

emptyself will perform live, as will cire once again. however i am just one person, and i can only do so much at a time to make ends meet, write & record new music, learn new production techniques, keep up with world affairs, handle label business, practice playing and singing (which i dont do as much as i should-- slacker!!), and organize live performances.

lately i've been working with NI Kontakt running on my laptop for constructing drum tracks out of samples of the kit in my studio, and it's really inspiring. i love working out my studio setup to make it more streamlined and inspiring. i also love learning how to do completely new things with pieces of gear that i've had for 4 years, like the triton. that board is just an ocean of possibilities that one could never exhaust. i have a modest studio, but i'm thankful for it everyday.